Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am Thankful

So before I get home and am so busy having a blast with family and friends I wanted to sit down and write out just a few things I am thankful for. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

I am thankful for:

My wonderful Husband who takes care of me and loves me to no end, he is so thoughtful and loving

My parents that love me even though I am crazy, I love their sense of humor, my family is never dull

My faith, I never feel weak or alone because I know who I am, where I came from, and where I'm going

My country and especially those who serve to protect my country and preserve my freedom

Flowers, they're so beautiful, all of nature is just gorgeous and peaceful

Cheap gas, I no longer feel like dying after filling up the Jeep

Federal grants that help pay for tuition, "grant", what a great word, so much better than "loan"

My siblings, they're hilarious and always make me smile

Chocolate, the perfect thing to help celebrate, relieve stress, or give me a boost of energy

Our little apartment, it's not luxurious, but it's our home

And lately, space heaters.....enough said!


Alecia said...

flowers and cheap gas rank above your syblings?? Hmmm, I wouldnt fall asleep sitting next to Chuck on the plane tonight!

aftonicole said...

they're not in any specific order!!!

Alecia said...

safe travels!!!

we are grateful for you too!!!!!