Sunday, November 4, 2007

Burn baby, Burn!

ouch, so I went to take cupcakes out of the oven and BAM...burnt my arm on one of the bars above it. I was in pain so I threw the pot holder to Andrew to take it out. He reached in and immediatly let out a AAH! He did the same thing. Ya we are two of a kind!


Anonymous said...

Both airheads, yah, I'm buying ya long armed oven mitts for Christmas. Love ya, Lisa

Nicole said...

OK, I'm just assuming the second "hairy" picture is Andrew's arm?

Leah Miller said...

You two much have been meant to be. How did the cupcakes turn out?

aftonicole said...

they turned out ok...Andrew was actually the chef I just tried to take them ya know! ;)