Friday, April 4, 2008

St Maarten!!!!!


We will be living in beautiful St. Maarten this summer!!!! AAAAh we can't believe it, not only did we get accepted, we are being sent to one of the most beautiful locations!!! That's good karma for ya after such a bad week!

The star is so much bigger than the island, it's about 6 x 6 miles, a total of 37 sq miles! We'll be going to a little branch, I'm so excited!


Nicole said...

I don't know whether to be happy or sad! But congrats anyway!!!

Lynette said...

How lucky for you....a summer long honeymoon! Can I come?

What in the world did Andrew do to his hand???

Amy G. said...

wow...congratulations! soak up all this traveling while you won't regret it.

Leah Miller said...

Can I come live with you for the summer? I am sure Andrew won't mind.