Friday, May 31, 2013

Pool Day

Adds had a blast at the pool yesterday! Other than the fact she got to hang out with cute twin boys, she was a little dare-devil in the water. She just got in and starting walking as far as she could. Even when she lost balance and went under, she came up coughing and gasping for air, she still didn't want to be held but to get back in the water. She is going to be a tan little girl by summers end :)

Her favorite trick, I'm one!

I am not going to look you in the eye, Mom...

I'll sit for just a second, then I'm back in the pool!


Disney Trip May 2013

In an effort to journal more, I wanted to start with our last trip to Disney. Addie is growing up way too fast and I don't want to forget the wonderful little moments we have had with her. This was the first trip she's been able to walk during. She loved it! The last time she didn't like her stroller and wanted us to hold her. This time, she didn't like the stroller and didn't like being held either. Luckily it wasn't too crowded and we could give her a little freedom every now and then.

We did Prince Charming's carousel, one of Addie's favorite type of rides. She loved holding on and sometimes getting brave and letting go for a few seconds with an added squeal!

She had a blast dancing to the music at Downtown Disney!

We had a nice breakfast at the Grand Floridian on our last day, a great way to end a trip!

I tried to get some shots of her in her little princess dress, I love this one. It reminds me of the line, "A dream is a wish your heart makes" as she holds her hands to her heart.

After the very mini photo session she found her all time favorite place at the Polynesian, a splash pad!  


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

She is One!

Well, congratulations Addie! You have survived one year of our parenting. Our unexperienced, rocky, naive parenting. You are so lucky that you have amazing family and friends to help us through every question and situation that occurred!

Until you are a mom, there is NO WAY you could even imagine what it is like. What you will feel like, the decisions you'll make, your reactions to everything in this new parenting world; it's just impossible to know what it's like. I have gained SO much respect for my mom and all moms, my eyes have been totally opened and I learn something new everyday. It's not even so much learning something new, but more of seeing things from a totally different perspective.

Addie has taught me a love I could never know existed. She has taught me patience in a , "I'll be born when I want, I'll walk when I want!" sort of way. She is on her own time table. She is hilarious. The faces she makes, her sense of humor, she is just a funny funny girl. The funniest part is she knows it!

She LOVES to eat! This girl can pack it down. She knows if we are having a snack and she wants in. She usually is a momma's girl, but walk by her with ice cream, she's all yours. She HATES anything on her feet. She sleeps in star fish position. sideways. across OUR bed. She will violently kick a blanket off if she feels it on her toes. She gets so thrilled when daddy comes home from work. She rolled over at 4 months, crawled at 7/8 months, and took her first steps at 11 months. She has 6 teeth. She weighs almost 22 lbs vs her 7 lbs 14 oz weight at birth. 

Anytime she does something new I get a little teary, I hate to admit that because I like to pretend like I'm tough, but I am so proud of her when she learns something new. Rolling, clapping, crawling, free standing, cruising, solo steps, waving bye-bye; every event I'm a litte teary eyed.

Her vocabulary includes these words (accompanied by grunts and hand gestures that are just as good as words): momma, dadda, pop-pop, baba (banana), bye bye, and hi (with southern drawl)

I have got to blog more to keep a record of all these things before I forget them!

Love you so much baby girl!
